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Wenn ihr Musiker sucht oder als Musiker eine Band/Gruppe, könnt ihr das hier veröffentlichen, auch als Gäste. Gäste sollten eine Kontaktmöglichkeit angeben!

WANTED: KEYBOARD player (with professional ambitions)

4 Jahre 3 Monate her #1374 von Paula Bianca
Hi there, I'm Paula Bianca! About me:
I'm in need of an awesome keyboard-player to join my freshly recruited team of like-minded and multicultural musicians. The goal is to have a fantastic rock oriented cover band (but still be able to do all genres of music) and to grind as many gigs as possible. Check my website for the full repertoire. To name a few: AC/DC, Guns N Roses, Bon Jovi, Tina Turner, Aerosmith, Eagles, Heart, Journey, Queen, van Halen etc. etc.

Currently have:
- A guitarist from London (Who fronted Guns N Roses, Skidrow and more!)
- An experienced German metal drummer turned bassist.. because why not both haha?
- A Dutch Drummer who has played with some big names in the punk scene through the years.
- Me an Asian Singer been a professional vocalist for almost 15 years

We have a strong core of musicians who can do whats expected and want to go places. We still need a good keyboardist so we can start rehearsing and start making some great promo material in order to get booking agents on board (Audio/Video company has already been selected).

- Age: Really don't care, age is but a number!
- Skillset: You need to be able to do what’s expected and show up prepared.
- English speaking: Basic English is required, as we will possibly have Asian, German and Dutch band-members!
- A musical match with my music 70-90's Rock! Check my website for my repertoire.
- Rehearsal: Bi-weekly (every 2nd week) in the Venlo/Roermond Area (no rehearsals once full repertoire is mastered & bookings are in).
Alrighty, if that sounds like fun to you, send a message or Whatsapp; 06336304009

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